Helping support the creation of our Future Forests.
The Future Forests Network (FFN) is a not for profit Community Interest Company focused on improving the connection between volunteer tree planters, community event organisers and land owners.
The information compiled here acts as a testament to the hundreds of projects already underway. Some have been operating consistently for over 20 years, others are one off community events led by people taking matters in to their own hands.
Seeing all this activity inspires great optimism for the potential we have in the UK.
For us to make the most of this potential, as many of us as possible need to get involved.
...creating our Future Forests together.
Tom White

Tom White is the founder of the future forests network.
With a work history in ecology and conservation, in recent years Tom has become increasingly involved with tree planting schemes throughout the UK. He has planted, fund raised, co-led, planned and now widely promotes such events.
He has worked as a Biodiversity Ranger (DoC, New Zealand); Forest Biodiversity Surveyor (MfE, New Zealand); Boreal Forest Field Surveyor (The University of Alberta, Canada) and Black Grouse Surveyor (RSPB Scotland). He is a qualified mountain leader and currently works at Westonbirt Arboretum (Forestry England).
Lucy Newton

Lucy carries out a wide range of research, admin and design tasks with the Future Forests Network.
Trees and forests have always been important to Lucy. Alongside her work with the Future Forests Network, she regularly volunteers with woodland management projects. She particularly enjoys connecting people with planting projects, then inspiring others to get involved by sharing event photos and stories. Lucy also works for the Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum in the Cotswolds.