UK Tree Planting Grants
England Woodland Creation Offer
Up to £10,200 per hectare, plus up to a further £8,000 in Additional Contributions for public benefits, to support your woodland creation scheme
Woodland Creation Planning Grant
A Woodland Creation Planning Grant contributes towards the pre-planting stage of woodland creation.
England Woodland Creation Offer
Landowners, land managers and public bodies can apply to the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) for support to create new woodland, including through natural colonisation, on areas as small as 1 hectare
HS2 Woodland Fund
The HS2 Woodland Fund provides grant payments for restoring plantations on ancient woodland sites and/or creating new native woodland. Maintenance payments are also available.
Woodland Trust Free Trees
The Woodland Trust gives away hundreds of thousands of free trees every year to school and community projects.
Woodland Trust MOREwoods
Their MOREwoods project will contribute up to 75% of planting costs for private landowners willing to plant over 1.25 acres.
Woodland Trust MOREhedges
"We can subsidise up to 75% of the cost if you plant more than 100 metres of new hedging and allow a large tree to grow every six metres. Includes advice and guidance on planting."
Woodland Trust Trees for Your Farm
"Plant 500+ trees to improve productivity and the environment on your farm. Funding of up to 100% of costs is available for agroforestry schemes benefiting the business of productive farms, including a site visit and tree planting assessment."
Trees For Cities
"Are you looking for financial support for tree planting this year? Are you a local authority, CIC, charity or responsible for managing land in urban and peri-urban areas? We'd like to hear from you!"
Tree Council Tree Futures Grant Scheme
The Tree Council’s scheme is intended for schools and community groups. They fund projects costing between £300 and £1000, and successful applicants will receive up to 80% of their planting costs.
International Tree Foundation (ITF)
Grants for local UK tree planting projects. We award grants of up to £6000 to local community projects.
Borders Forest Trust Grant
"open to any organisation or individual that can suggest a planting project less than 0.25ha that will enhance the landscape and biodiversity of the Borders".
Up to £1000 per year to cover materials and labour costs.
Scottish Government - Woodland Creation Grant
Grant support with nine woodland creation options. A range of capital grants available for operations such as fencing and tree protection.
Northern Ireland Grant Schemes (DAERA)
"The Forest service encourages the creation of new woodlands and the management of existing woodlands by providing grant aid towards the cost of the work"
Branching Out (The Tree Council)
"funds available to assist schools and community groups proposing to undertake well-planned tree and hedge planting projects this winter (November 2020 – March 2021)"
100% of the cost (excluding VAT) of strong applications from £300 to an increased upper limit of £1500.
Ptes Orchard Grants
"We are now in the 6th year of grants for orchard tree planting. Over 2800 new trees have given over 270 orchards a new lease of life."
Local Places for Nature (Wales)
"We are offering grants of £10,000–£50,000 (in 2020-21) for capital projects in Wales that will acquire, restore and enhance nature."
Community Woodlands guidance (Wales)
"We are offering grants of £10,000–£250,000 for capital projects that will restore, enhance and in some instances acquire land to create new community woodlands in Wales."
The Northern Forest Grant
50% of costs for the 2021/22 planting season as part of establishing a Northern Forest between Liverpool and Hull. 3 hectares or more, innovative projects.
Funding for farmers in protected landscapes (DEFRA)
The program will fund projects that; support nature recovery, mitigate the impacts of climate change, provide opportunities for people to discover, enjoy & understand the landscape and its cultural heritage, support nature-friendly, sustainable farm businesses.
Note - Many national park authorities and local/regional councils have funds which specifically support woodland creation. Additional research for funding on a local level is recommended.