Connecting volunteers with tree planting projects to increase UK woodland cover.
Publicising tree planting projects and encouraging people to create their own.
Providing resources for landowners, event organisers and volunteers.
The information compiled here acts as a testament to the hundreds of projects already underway. Some have been operating consistently for over 20 years, others are one-off community events led by people taking matters into their own hands.
Seeing all this activity inspires great optimism for the potential we have in the UK. We can all help by planting, donating or planning our own local events.
For us to make the most of our potential, as many of us as possible need to get involved...
...creating our Future Forests together.
We depend on volunteers to enable us to plant many more trees than we could do otherwise. The Future Forests Network is really great. It's a really valuable resource for both tree groups and those who want to go planting.
Just the other day I was doing a stall at a local fete, a man from London asked if I knew any groups in his area. I was able to direct him to the Future Forests Network website, it felt GOOD!
Thanks Future Forests Network for your help both practically, and of course with publicity. Loads of our volunteers are using and referring to your website. Great work.
John Hodgson
Project Officer - Restoring Hardknott Forest, Lake District (Long term project)
I was surprised at how many people didn't find us via our fb group. I probably had 10+ visitors due to your map and now have a strong group of supporters who want to join us again for future events. This free access helped us gain support from over a 50mile radius for our 1st dec planting event, we had 50+ visitors join us. Thank you.
Mandy K
Randoms Retreat CIC, County Durham - Long term project
Excellent, this is just what is needed and makes it easy to find local projects.
Stuart T
Tree planting UK forum
That's exactly what I was looking for! We want to join our boy and find a community tree planting event nearby that we could be part of. I'll go and check out the map now!